
First lets go back to an era where there was actually was an absence of drums in music . James Blades author of Percussive Instruments and Their History, wrote: "With the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire, percussive music was banned as mischievous and licentious; the drums and cymbals were particularly singled out as evidence of the devil's pomposity". As B.C. becomes A.D., drums were kicked out of the music scene and written history itself for the next eighteen hundred years. Much later, drums found a place on the battlefield as an instrument of intimidation to the enemy and to excite the spirit of the attacking army itself. Fast-forward to New Orleans post-slavery era and the marching drums of war are converted to the "trap set", played by one person and introduced to Jazz music. And the drum set is born. What a chance encounter that was. If these particular moments in time never happened what would our modern music be like? If the drums never ma